Wednesday, November 12, 2008

everytime i get off the blue 5 bus, i say "thank you God for keeping me alive." hehe, jk...but that's how i really feel sometimes.

i went to get my second chemical peel the other day and the girl who did it for me was really funny. i asked her where to get good food around here and she's like "if you want to know about food, just ask me." then she started talking about dating, i.e. if a guy and a girl go out together by themselves, people will always think they're dating or like they each other....there is no "oh they're friends". i told her it's not like that in the u.s., when you see a guy and a girl together, it could be anything really. she goes, "well, then how do you know? it is, but it isn't, so is it or is it not?" lol. that's the way she talked.

there was this little boy on the blue 5 today and he was really cute. we use a YoYo Card here to pay for just swipe it. so, he had it around his neck and when he went up to the machine on the bus, he leaned over the rail, stuck his head out, swiped his card, and got off - like he did it everyday. i mean, yeah, it sounds really normal, but i swear he was like 6. i don't even know how he was out by himself.

taiwan indigenous people, yay! i went to TITV (Taiwan Indigenous TV), and for all you immature people, yes, i know it spells "TIT" in the middle. how immature! anyway, i went today for dubbing and it was fun. interesting experience, even if i don't do it ever again. AND I SAW A CELEBRITY!!! i almost forgot! i've seen him on TV like a gajillion times, and i was sitting on the sofa, and he came over with his wife and kid, sat down, and ate lunch....RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! i was like, noooooo way this is happening. it's like i'm part of their family (laugh all you want) but after awhile, i was like, okay, he's just some normal person. lol. no big deal, really.

so people have been telling me they really enjoy reading my blog and i'm really happy! it's SO encouraging to me when people tell me they learn so much about God from me or they say they enjoying reading my posts. you guys are the ones encouraging me.

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