Thursday, January 1, 2009

Adam Sandler in 'Click'

So, after I finished praying last night, the longest, most passionate prayer I had prayed in a long time, I turned the tv on. It was like 2 am or something. A new movie had just started and it was one of my past favorites - Click. I watched the entire movie, until like 4 am or something, and it really reminded me of what I always preach to myself and others about.

Adam Sandler fast-forwarded everything he hated about life - showering, traffic, arguments with his wife, his boss - but in the end, realized that if he deletes the bad, he deletes a huge part of his life, and that life is made up of the good and the bad. Sometimes we go through life and think "Why do I have to go through this?" or "Why is this happening?" but this movie made me realize that that is what life is about. Who would we be without all those things? Just like when someone tells us to turn the negative into positive - many times, good things come out of bad things. So, God teaches us, throughout our lives through different experiences and hardships, to embrace everything that happens, and turn it into good, which I think is amazing advice.

I'm saying this and I'm not even living in, like, Darfur or something. Can you imagine how BLESSED the persecuted are - that they live with such meaning, such fullness of life? We, who are materially blessed in every way, complain that we are empty. Why the contradiction? Only through our sufferings and hardships do we realize that we are so incredibly blessed and fortunate. Sometimes when volunteering to those less fortunate, I learn priceless things from them, like the joy I see in their eyes, even though they possess nothing of material worth. They give willingly and freely. Humans are so easily spoiled. We take things and hold onto them, forgetting who (God) gave those things to us in the first place.


In the end, Adam Sandler returned to the moment he fell asleep, like it was just a dream. He made friends with the quirky store guy, ran to his amazingly crappy car and sat in it with joy, drove to his parents' home, kissed and hugged them, went home to his family, kissed and hugged his wife, bought a companion for his dog because "Doggy years go by fast!", and started planning the camping trip he had previously postponed because of work.

It was a great movie. Lol. Yay. Praise God.

"Peace Be Still"
Rush of Fools

Come to Me, you who are weak
Let My strength be yours tonight
Come and rest, let My love be your bed
Let My heart be yours tonight

Peace be still, Peace be still
Please be still and know that I am God
and know that I am God

Come empty cup, let Me fill you up
I'll descend on you like a dove tonight
Lift your head, let your eyes fall into Mine
Let your fear subside tonight

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