Saturday, October 25, 2008

breakfast in taipei and etc.

i just went to buy breakfast here, and it's amazing. that's the only word i can use to describe it. they have breakfast EVERYWHERE (just like Shanghai) and you can eat whatever your heart desires. i bought some small-sized food dishes(i should have taken a picture at the store....). i took a picture of my leftovers, hahaha. which, i'm sure, is exactly what you want to see. oh well! that's what you get. =P

anyway, yesterday i went to the church youth worship (sermon afterwards...kind of like a sunday service), and darn, should've taken a picture of that as well. it was AMAZING! they worshipped like they were crazy people...jumping up and down, praising loudly, praying out loud every so often for certain things, and the topic was about treasures in heaven and it was very honest, as i expected. some of the things i took away were:

1. make sure your motivations for studying and working are right - to glorify God and not amass treasures for yourself.

2. we have to be careful not to be sucked into being greedy for the treasures of the world. this is something that will happen unbeknownst us if we are not careful.

3. the economic turmoil currently happening is proof that the treasures of this world are not everlasting and can be gone in a second.

4. the young pastor was confident that God is preparing to give us much more, esp in light of these events, if we just let go of our greed for the treasures of this world.

fortunately, i have already learned this lesson, lol. woot.

i think the people in taipei are so nice....if you are nice to them. i used to think that they were so mean, but i think it was because of my attitude last time.

unrelated note: my skin looks worse here because the heat is making my pores bigger. DARN IT!

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